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Pirmasis oficialus užsienio studentas Studentų Atstovybėje!

Šiais metais LSU SA buvo patvirtintas ypatingas narys - pirmasis užsienienio studentas Gill Gurkeerat.

LSU studentų dalį sudaro ir užsienio studentai, todėl savo atstovybės šeimoje turėdami užsienietį narį tikimės pagerinti mūsų atstovavimą ir tarptautiniams studentams. Tikimės, jog Gill'as mums bus tik pradžia ir į savo atstovybę mes pritrauksime dar daugiau užsienio studentų!

Pats Gill'as taip pat džiaugiasi būdamas su mumis: „As an international student, being a member of student association is a positively unique experience. Being a member is not just mere about the membership of the student association, but the most important is the trust that student association put in me and in my abilities, and this trust is the extremely valuable for me. I am immensely grateful that I am in between the right people who are exceedingly caring and genuinely try their best to keep me inclusive as much as possible. Yes, there are language barriers sometimes, but you don’t need to communicate with words all the time to have comprehension about each other. Student association is full of joyful environment and this is what I love the most, it’s spirit and cheerfulness in it. I am grateful towards student association who welcomed and integrated me as a member in this wonderful family.“

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